Beginning of CANB Design

I’m going to jump right in and just say that CANB Design becoming a business is so hard to believe! I don’t have a crazy origin story, and like many beginnings, it was kind of an accident. But one I am excited to explore and grow with.

The name (CANB Design) has been in the back of my mind for most of my life. I imagined it being pronounced as “Can be”. Get it? But in all reality it’s my initials and yes I have 2 middle names. I never thought I’d actually need a business name. I definitely expected to always work for someone else, but that changed during the 2020 Pandemic. I was looking for a way to make a bit of extra money because I have BIG dreams for my home, so I figured let’s start freelancing to save up for house renovations.

Long story short- I loved freelancing! I loved getting down into the nitty gritty with people and having the freedom to really get into what each person needed. And the excitement from the people I was helping was incomparable! I already worked for a residential company, but doing it on my own my way was pivotal. Residential design is so special and it touches the everyday moments that every person has. We all have interactions and major events happen in and around our homes daily.

As my freelancing expanded, I surprised myself with the thoughts of making it an actual business and pulling CANB Design out from the depths of my brain. As I mentioned, that was never who I thought I’d be. But here I am, writing up my first blog post, making my website happen, setting up my LLC, and planning on meeting some great people (like you) that want to love their home more. And if I can be the person that helps you love their home just a bit more, then I’ll be a satisfied human!

I’m so grateful for everyone reading this and deciding to take their own plunge into their home. Whether it’s a new build or sprucing up a single room, CANB Design is here to be part of that process and I couldn’t be more excited!

If you want to know more about our first freelancing project, you can find the blog post here!

beginning of CANB Design

Texas Custom Home Design & Rendering