Design Diversity Pledge, BAME

It is extremely important to me to make sure I am a safe, accepting place for all people to come to. As a home designer, interior designer, and a solo entrepreneur I am working to find my contribution towards the pledge.

Ways in which I’d love to connect and expand:

  1. Residential Photography- I am always in need of great photos of my spaces. I currently am located mostly in Nebraska, but I’d love submissions from people of Black, Asian, and Ethnic Minorities for all U.S. Continental states for any future expansion.

  2. At the moment, I do not employ anyone, but I stand by the pledge in terms of my content and events I attend, as well as any future hires.

  3. I am always on the look for new products and furniture lines and would love to discover a more diverse selection of makers and products to introduce to my clients.

Please feel free to read the pledge below and submit a contact form if you have questions for me or would like to connect!