Laundry Room Update

Not all home projects have to be complete renovations or a total revamp. Sometimes a space just needs an easy plan to implement that can totally fix whatever is lacking.

In this case, this basement laundry room was in need of a face lift. It is a multi-use space and wasn’t functioning as well as the client needed it to. This, like many basement laundry spaces has the mechanical, a toilet and sink, washer and dryer, and some upper cabinets. They had a short list of needs, but ones I (and most designers) hear often.

  • More storage and functionality

  • Hide the ugly mechanical

  • Folding counter and laundry hanging space

  • Nothing structural to be changed

I guess I should mention our virtual interior design service is perfect for spaces like this. The client sent us the dimensions of the space and inspiration photos and ended up with details plans to implement, material finish options, and visuals for the space as well as a virtual walkthrough meeting so they could visual the space even better. Being able to visualize the space was one of the main points for them hiring someone instead of trying to do everything on their own. They wanted to be confident they were going in the right direction and I helped get them there.

Below is the sketch with the dimensions of the laundry room. They don’t have to be beautiful or to scale or professionally done at all, just legible, so I can get everything into my handy dandy computer program and start designing.

From hand drawn sketch to accurate computer starting point.

And some design time, options (both good and bad), walkthrough meeting, and revisions later. We get to our final design that hits all the needs. We hid the mechanical behind large vented doors, added tall storage, storage cabinets, and a holding counter. And added bonus, gave some privacy to the toilet and sink. Because who wants to sit on a toilet in a large room? No thanks.

This client now has everything they need to take and implement the new design and make their basement laundry room so much more functional for themselves. They have the ability to do as much by themselves as they want or find a trusted professional to help them implement the whole design as well. See a couple more visuals below to get a sense of how much more storage they will have once completed!

Besides new build design, I love getting to help people breathe new life into their spaces and find a functional solution to existing spaces. I’m always honored when I get invited into peoples’ homes, whether virtual or in person, because it’s a big deal to trust someone to do right by your home and it’s an investment. If you are thinking about refreshing a space in your home, I’d love to chat and see how I can help make your space better represent you.


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CANB Finds: Pt 1